God is good! We have almost completed two weeks in language school, and we are learning "poco a poco" (little by little). Over the past two weeks, we have learned many things. For example, we have learned how to use the taxi system. There are very few streets named here. So, in order to go anywhere or get home, we have to tell the taxista (taxi driver) landmarks so he/she will know when and where to turn. It is quite interesting, especially when you do not speak much Spanish. Also, we have learned the bus system. It is possible to take a bus all over the country for a relatively small amount of money.
The children are adjusting to school as well. It has been difficult for them because they have entered a new school in the middle of the school year. They seem to be making new friends, and they are enjoying learning how to play soccer. They have practice on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please pray especially for our children. They need help adjusting to their new environment.
We are actually adjusting to our home and San Jose, well. The ticos (Costa Ricans) are very friendly and helpful. It is pretty expensive to live here, but God is good! Many of you have really helped us to be able to buy the things we need to try and make our lives as normal as possible. We thank everyone for your prayers and support.
Today, in chapel, our friend, Nathan Lamberth, spoke about Risk-Taking. As Christians, we need to be willing to take "Risks" and trust God with our lives. Our family has taken a "Risk" with God! We know He has called us to Paraguay, and we know He will take care of us and help us to learn Spanish here in Costa Rica.
Blessings to you all and don't forget to take "risks" with God. He is good! He will take care of you!
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