Monday, January 25, 2010


In case you haven't heard, yet, we are home for our second itineration/furlough. We finished our first-term in Paraguay, and now we are back to raise more funds to return to the work in Paraguay.

We arrived home in December to spend Christmas with family in California. On January 3rd, we were supposed to have our first service in California City; however, I became very ill and we had to reshedule. I suppose that our bodies have to readjust to North America. Kayleee became very ill 2 weeks later, and now, Sherry is very ill.

God has been good to us despite the illnesses. We have already been to three churches, and we have seen God work in each one. On January 10th, we went up in the mountains to Running Springs Assembly of God, and 2 people rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. It was awesome to see Him work. On January 17th, we visited First Assembly of God in Victorville, CA. In the 3 morning services, 18 people gave their lives to Jesus. Then, yesterday, January 24th, we were at Crossroads Assembly of God in Barstow, CA. It is their mission's convention time, and we opened the convention sharing what God has done in Paraguay and ministering. 7 people raised their hand to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is so awesome and humbling to be used by God. I never cease to be amazed at what he does for us and through us.

Our schedule for the next couple of weeks is as follows:

January 31st; California City, CA; New Life Assembly of God
February 7th; Perryton, TX; Harvest Time First Assembly of God

If you are in one of those areas, and would like to visit, please stop by for the services. We would love to see you.
