Saturday, January 21, 2012


I was thinking today of writing about HEAT. Heat, glorious heat. We just spent 9 days in Chile near Santiago with most all of the missionaries from the Southern Cone (Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay). While it was great to be with them, to see them, to share life's journey, to be understood, etc., I found myself really missing the HEAT! Yes, I love the heat of Paraguay. Do I sweat? Of course, all the time. I even preach with a towel instead of a handkerchief, but I still love it.

I've often thought about why I can  tolerate 120-130 degrees with high humidity (if it's possible to tolerate something like that, maybe survive is a better word). I mean, I used to complain when it would get in the 90s in Southern Missouri in August. 

I was thinking again on this, today (because it's really hot and the air conditioner is not working), and wondering. Why do I like this? Why do I do this? I could be in the United States, working a normal job, maybe attending a church and working in one as well, but that's not enticing to me. Why isn't that? Am I abnormal? (My brothers aren't allowed to answer that question) 

As I was wondering about that I received a phone call from a pastor of a church we have been attending. They have been awesome to our three children. In fact, Chariti, Kaylee, and Chaz are at practice, right now, for the upcoming youth camp. They will be doing a dance routine and other things with their youth group during the camp. They come home from practice excited to be a part of something like this. Anyway, he called to let me know that a project we have been praying about has come to fruition. 

The church, First Assembly (the only one in Paraguay) or Iglesia del Centro (Downtown Church), has been meeting in a really tiny room with space for about 50 people. Many more would like to attend the church, but there just isn't room. We've been praying about selling the building, purchasing land, and building. The land was purchased just before Christmas. Last Wednesday evening, Pastor Simon talked to someone about purchasing the building, and it sold. In fact, tomorrow will be the last service in it as we have to be moved out by Monday. Talk about a fast answer to prayer.

After the phone call, I knew why I love the HEAT. Whether it's the heat or the humidity, whether it's the heat of every day living in Paraguay, whether it's the heat of ministry, or whether it's the heat I place on myself to do things correctly, I know that I am here for a purpose, and I love serving God in the heat of Paraguay.

Maybe there's some heat in your life that has got you all boiled up and steaming over. Give it to the cooling waters of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to soothe you, calm you, and cool you. You know what? He loves you and wants the best for you. Just ask Him and see what He won't do for you!

Blessings to all,

(photos: a picture of myself and the pastor of our church, Simon Arias)

Also, you can check out a video on my Facebook of Sherry and the kids in their Christmas play:

Sunday, January 08, 2012


The past few months have been a whirlwind. To sum it all up would take several pages of writing. I will briefly (in a timeline fashion) inform you as to what has been going on. Here goes:

August 8-left (3 hours late due to marine layer in L.A.) the States for Paraguay.
10-arrived (24 hours behind schedule) in Paraguay.
11-rest of August and September, repairs on mission's owned home (electrical problems, broken lights, air conditioners broken, fire in chimnea over the grill, etc.)
August-preaching in many different churches, we saw over 100 people come to Christ
September-Chariti's birthday,preaching in more churches, teaching at Bible school, more repairs on house, watched as 24 people were saved and 12 filled with the Spirit (whoo hoo)
October-traveling to many churches and preaching, teaching in Bible school, meeting new pastors, more repairs on home, getting older (i.e. birthday), blessed to witness the re-birth of 22 new brothers and sisters in Christ)
November-preaching in more churches, Bible school ends for year and graduation of 26 students, watched as God called people into ministry and many were filled with the Spirit
December-a month full of blessings, miracles, and my first baptism service in Paraguay. One young teenager (the only Christian in his family) was baptized and came out of the water speaking in tongues. I had never personally witnessed anything like it before. It was amazing!

Now, we are in a new year. It is a year of expectation, of blessing, and of hope. I really believe that God is going to do some amazing things, this year, in Paraguay. We are looking forward, in anticipation, to see what He will do in our beloved, adopted nation of Paraguay. Please remember to pray for us. Without you, we cannot do what God called us to do. We need you, we love you, and we pray for you!

