Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Results of Election

I realize that my last post left a lot of you "hanging." For that, I apologize and I write a brief update. The presidential election went by without too much happening. There were a few mini-riots or fights, but all in all, it was quiet. 

The election did not go as planned for the ruling Colorado party. This is the political party that HAD been in control of Paraguay's government for 60 years. Now, there is a new president. He is a "former" Catholic bishop and priest. He is very far left, and he is a friend of Hugo Chavez, the president in Venezuela. 

Since the election, he has been offering high-level positions in his government to people from the other political parties. Some of them are members of the Colorado party. Honestly, I don't know if much will change in Paraguay. There is a lot of corruption in the government here, and the people do not have trust in their elected officials. It was a huge upset, but after talking with a lot of people, they feel it was needed.

God is in control of everything. He knows who is president in every country. He knows where we are living, and He will take care of us. The work goes on as we try to bring as many people to heaven with us as we can.

On a much brighter note, our equipment that is being shipped from the United States to us in Paraguay for the drama has been picked up. The expected arrival is June 6th. Also, I have completed two weeks of teaching in the Bible school. God is good, and He is really helping me with my Spanish. It is not, by any means, easy, but I am making it through. 

One quick story, during my last class, I left my notes (which is huge for me), and I walked back in forth in front of the class. Basically, I was preaching extemporaneously to the class about the importance of the Great Commission, the necessity to fulfill this mandate, and the obligation we have to love others and share the love of Jesus with them. The reason I mention this is because it was the first time that I was able to speak from my heart without notes, without help, and when I was stuck trying to figure out how to say it in Spanish, God came through, just in time, with the correct words to say.

I am so grateful for a God who helps in time of need, and who is always with us.



Saturday, April 19, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for the country of Paraguay. On Sunday, April 20th, national elections will be held for all major offices of the government. This is a time of unrest for most countries in Latin America. Many people take advantage of the situation and cause a lot of problems. They start riots, or they commit other crimes. It is a time of political and civil unrest. 

Please pray for this nation. Pray that God's will be done, and that the enemy is thwarted in his attempts to change the history of this nation. Please pray for safety and security of all of us foreigners who work here. There is a possibility that a good friend of Chavez, the president of Venezuela, will become the next president. If this happens, it is very likely that most, if not all, foreigners (especially missionaries) could be told to leave the country. 

Our family is in the process of obtaining residency (legal status to remain in Paraguay indefinitely). This could, at the very least, be interrupted or terminated. What that means is that we would either have to start the process over again (which takes almost 2 years), or we will have to leave and re-enter the country every ninety days. Now, this is not a guaranteed process because immigration can deny us a Visa into the country.

So, please pray hard this weekend so we can do what God has called us to do. I don't want this to sound like we are scared or anything like that, but we do understand the seriousness of this election in Paraguay. I also understand that God can and will work through whatever situation there is. In fact, I believe the church grows stronger, faster, and more spiritual in times of persecution. Who knows? Maybe Paraguay needs a time of trial in order to go to God on their knees. I know, personally, that things have happened in my life that have brought me to my knees and closer to God.

Blessings to all and don't forget to go to your knees,
