Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MEC-Misiones en Conjunto (Missions Together)

I find myself in an intersting place this week. Our general superintendent, Pastor Estanislaus Candia, and our field moderator, Frank Kendrick, asked me if I would like to go to a conference in Managua, Nicaragua and represent Paraguay missions. Frank and I left Sunday morning from AsunciĆ³n, Paraguay and arrived in Managua last Monday evening. We have attended almost 2 days full of meetings and heard from the director of missions in Argentina, Venezuela, Spain, and several superintendents and missionaries. The superintendent from Spain spoke today about the spread of Islam all over Europe. He talked about how the only place in the world that has gained any "territory" from the Islamic religion is in the south of Spain because a pastor and his church have taken upon themselves to win Muslims for Jesus. What is interesting is they are giving Bibles to Muslims who are reading them and converting to Christianity! The Word of God has they power to change lives! I am pumped!

Many people are sharing their testimonies and reports about what God is doing in the world. The Latin American church feels a strong call to reach Muslims and the Chinese. Paraguay has a family in North Africa ministering to the Muslims. I really believe that God is doing something amazing in Latin America. It is so cool to be a part of it at this time in history! 

The leaders of the different mission's departments have reported how God is sending more and more missionaries to Africa, Europe, India, Australia, and China. God is calling Latin Americans to countries where many North Americans cannot go. We have missionaries in the middle East and North Africa, Spain, and Asia. It's amazing how God is moving people all over the world. What's even more amazing is that He has sent and is sending missionaries from countries that used to be the places that only missionaries from the U.S. went to. Now, God is sending missionaries from there. In other words, former "receiving" countries have become SENDING countries! Isn't God so amazing!?

I am hoping to post some pictures from the conference soon. I have been getting to know many people here who have amazing testimonies of God's grace and calling upon their lives. As I post pictures of them, I will try to share their testimony or story with you.

Blessings to you all,


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bible School Mission's Convention

A couple of weeks ago, it was mission's convention time at the Bible school. Up front, you can see missionary, Frank Kendrick, in his Tunisian garb teaching about the Muslim world and how to minister to them. He put some rugs on the chapel floor and had everyone sit as they do in a mosque. It made it a little more real to all of the students. This is a picture of the afternoon class chapel. 

During mission's convention week, there are four services, each with a different focus. Monday night, a new missionary spoke. Tuesday night, Frank showed a video of a muslim man accepting Christ and the struggle he has to live with in an Islamic nation. Wednesday night, Frank preached the service seen in the picture above. Thursday night was the faith promise service.

It is amazing to watch as every young person in the Bible school filled out their faith promise cards. It humbled me to watch young people, who can barely pay their tuition (about $30 a month) to attend Bible school, make faith promises for $200 or $300 over an 8 month period. What is even more amazing is that God meets their faith promise every year, and He blesses them with even more. I could share testimony after testimony of how God has blessed the students lives, but what is more important is to know that if these students, from a very poor country, can make faith promises and give to missions, then we all can.

I am proud to say that these students have taught me more than I can ever teach them. I enjoy going to class and teaching Evangelism and Theology I, but what I enjoy more is listening to the students' stories and seeing God work through them. I can't wait to see what the future will bring here in Paraguay. I really believe that God has His hand on Paraguay and is raising up a generation to lead this country to Him. I am excited!

