Friday, June 01, 2007

Chaz's Birthday

Greetings to all! Sorry that it has been so long since I last posted a message. The last couple of weeks have been very busy for the Mattix gang here in Costa Rica. We had AGTS classes, where Sherry and I learned more about how to minister effectively in the Latin American culture. We have been very busy back at work in our Spanish classes. Also, the kids had their last chapel of the school year at Sojourn (this is the name of the school they attend here in San Jose). The girls were part of a puppet team, and they did a really good job. You couldn't tell that it was fifth, sixth, and seventh graders behind the curtain. It was really nice. Chaz, and his age group of students, quoted a few scripture verses and did motions to some of the praise and worship songs. You could tell that they worked on it for quite some time.

Speaking of Chaz, you have probably noticed from the pictures that he had a birthday. Yes! Chaz turned 10 years old on May 19! He is officially in double digits. For his birthday, we celebrated by going to Feria (spelling?). Chaz took his dad, along with "Uncle" Nicky to the market, similar to the Farmer's markets in the States. He purchased a pineapple, a handmade wooden car, and some other toy cars. He had a good time. Later, he opened his presents, and we had Sherry's lasagna (it was so tasty). Then, we cut the cake. We forgot to purchase candles. So, Sherry, being creative, had Chaz blow out the lighter. Chaz thought it was great, and he had a really good time. Of course, Chaz had to have a lemon cake with white icing. I think his Granny got him hooked on lemon cake.

Well, we are all learning and growing in our Spanish. Thank you all for your prayers and support. God is good, and His mercy endures for ever. I thank God for His mercy, especially with Spanish.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Chaz...and it seems like you had a wonderful time...and thanks for sharing the photos...they are wonderful...enjoy!!!