A couple of weeks ago, it was mission's convention time at the Bible school. Up front, you can see missionary, Frank Kendrick, in his Tunisian garb teaching about the Muslim world and how to minister to them. He put some rugs on the chapel floor and had everyone sit as they do in a mosque. It made it a little more real to all of the students. This is a picture of the afternoon class chapel.
During mission's convention week, there are four services, each with a different focus. Monday night, a new missionary spoke. Tuesday night, Frank showed a video of a muslim man accepting Christ and the struggle he has to live with in an Islamic nation. Wednesday night, Frank preached the service seen in the picture above. Thursday night was the faith promise service.
It is amazing to watch as every young person in the Bible school filled out their faith promise cards. It humbled me to watch young people, who can barely pay their tuition (about $30 a month) to attend Bible school, make faith promises for $200 or $300 over an 8 month period. What is even more amazing is that God meets their faith promise every year, and He blesses them with even more. I could share testimony after testimony of how God has blessed the students lives, but what is more important is to know that if these students, from a very poor country, can make faith promises and give to missions, then we all can.
I am proud to say that these students have taught me more than I can ever teach them. I enjoy going to class and teaching Evangelism and Theology I, but what I enjoy more is listening to the students' stories and seeing God work through them. I can't wait to see what the future will bring here in Paraguay. I really believe that God has His hand on Paraguay and is raising up a generation to lead this country to Him. I am excited!
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