Friday, May 16, 2008

Superintendent of Peru

What an amazing week, again! God is so good, and He is really working for us as we meet people, go places, and learn more about the culture and ministry in Paraguay. Here is a picture of Rev. John Bueno speaking on the opening night of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Assemblies of God in Paraguay.

Before I get into today's blog, I would like to make a couple of announcements and prayer requests. We thank God that our shipment of much needed equipment has "set sail" from the United States and is on it's way to Paraguay. We also than God that the cost of shipping was 1/2 of what we originally were quoted. Hallelujah!!! The shipment should arrive in the middle of June, and then we will start booking weekends for the drama, "Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames." We are excited about this ministry. It changes lives, and it is fun to work with. 

The prayer requests are the following: 1) Please pray for the shipment to not be held up in customs. The cost or "fee" to get a shipment out of customs in Paraguay can be very high and unaffordable. Please pray with us for God's supernatural protection of the shipment and His supernatural hand on the custom's official's mind and spirit. This is a major and urgent prayer request. 2) Decisions that need to be made concerning our children's schooling. 3) Finishing of the construction and repairs at our house. 4) Health and safety during the following months as we travel all over Paraguay. 5) Protection of all missionaries here in Paraguay during the time of transition from one president to another. 6) Our children would like to learn to play different instruments. Chaz wants to learn the drums (surprise), but they are very expensive here. Chariti wants to learn guitar and/or piano. Kaylee wants to learn guitar, drums, and other instruments. Please pray with us that God will provide the instruments necessary for learning to play music. I think that these instruments would really help us minister effectively to the different indigenous tribes in the jungle of Paraguay.

Now, about this past week, I would like to share with you some amazing experiences. Last Friday, the director of the Assemblies of God World Mission's department, John Bueno, came to Paraguay for the 50th Anniversary of the Assemblies of God in Paraguay. It was really good to see him, spend time with him, and be ministered to by him. Also, our regional director, Dick Nicholson, and his wife, Cynthia, came to celebrate with us. It's always fun spending time with them. Our area director, Don Exley, preached two challenging and amazing sermons. Well, they all preached amazing and challenging sermons. It was a great experience for us, and we actually understood them:)

On Saturday morning, I receive a phone call at the house from someone claiming to be the Superintendent of Peru. I didn't know whether or not to believe the person on the phone, but when he asked for the number to the superintendent's home and said his name, I guessed that I should trust this person and give him the phone number. That afternoon, we had been invited, along with the other missionaries, to attend an "asado" (grill-out) at our superintendent's house. Guess who was there when we arrived? Yes, the Superintendent of Peru, Pastor Rodrigo Espinoza Celadita. He is such a nice and intelligent man. Although he is very short in stature, he is a very big man in the work of God. 

Over the next 5 days, we spent a lot of time together. I shuttled him and the national secretary of Peru, Pastor Fernando, between the events for the 50th Anniversary celebration (Cincuentenario) and their hotel. I love this man and his spirit. Our spirits seemed to connect as we shared life experiences, food, late nights, conversation, and prayed for and with each other. Before leaving, he invited me to come to Peru, teach in the Bible schools and seminaries, preach in different churches, bring a mission's team from Paraguay, tour the ministries of Peru, and visit him and his family and friends whenever we could. He said that we would be welcome with open arms and open hearts. Wow! Who would have ever thought that giving a phone number to a stranger on the phone could lead to such an invitation. I am continually amazed at the providence of God. 

When it came time for him to leave, he asked me if I liked Paraguay. I told him that we really do like it here, a lot. He said, "When you come to Peru, you will like it so much that you will switch countries." We laughed, but I think he was serious:) 

Our God is so good, and He is always wanting more for those who serve Him. Now, we are not going to Peru to change countries of ministry or anything like that. We love Paraguay, and we know God called us here. However, when God opens a door of opportunity to minister, it is not up to us to close it. If God wants us to take a trip or two to Peru to minister in that country, He will make a way for that to happen. My favorite quote is one my dad told me when we were struggling to raise our budget to come to Paraguay. I called him one day and told him I was worried that we were not going to be able to raise the needed support. He said, "Listen, son, God called, you answered, now it is up to Him to do the rest!" That's what we are wanting to happen here in our ministry. God called us here, we answered and came, now, He who is faithful will complete the work in us so that we can do the work He has called us to do for Him in Paraguay.

Ciao for now and many blessings,


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