Wednesday, November 07, 2012

What would you do?

Sometimes, in ministry and in life, there are things that you have to do that you don't really want to do. Pay bills, pay taxes, obey laws that don't make sense, go to five different places to get one sticker placed on your car so that you will be legal, fill out endless forms, visa requirements, haul dirt to fill in a hole, sweat profusely while you try to preach, etc. All of these have a back story that is very interesting, but I won't take the time to tell them all in this blog.

A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of ministering in Guarambaré. A small town about an hour outside of Asunción. It wasn't a big church, but every person in the church worked hard during the drama. They prayed, they fasted, they memorized their parts, they helped set up and tear down the scenery, and they ministered faithfully.

The first night of the drama, at 7:30 p.m. (the starting time), we were informed that our devil would not be coming. Apparently, the military had called him to duty, and they wouldn't let him go until Saturday morning. There was no time and no one else so guess who had to play the role of the devil? Yep! I had to!

I love being able to do that altar call. Through all the sweat, tears, prayer, stress, casting out demons, calling upon Jesus' name to help us, lights blowing out, power going down, etc., etc., etc., it never ceases to amaze me when the altars fill with people who realize that they need a Savior. They need someone to help them through this life, to forgive them of their sins, and to give them hope. 

Was it hard? Yes, harder than I ever imagined. Was it worth it? I kept thinking it wasn't worth it until we heard a testimony on the last night. On the last night, before we start the drama, I usually have the cast share testimonies. For some reason, I forgot to do it. After we finished, they had a meal prepared for us. During the meal, one of our actresses shared a story about what happened in her family on Friday night. I will share it here.

She comes from a home where she has only known a drunken father. He swore and swore that he would never enter any church in his life. He was an abusive father and husband and led a very destructive life. For some reason, unknown to the actress, her father came and gave his life to the Lord. He told her that the devil in the drama scared him so bad that he knew he needed to give his life to Christ. I guess I must have been convincing. Maybe that's what I am. Just kidding!

You never know! When you have to do something that you don't want to do, give it your all. You never know who is watching and what God will do in their lives.

Blessings to all,